We’re a web services provider based in New York.

About us

We’re a community on a journey, exploring and finding ourselves, innovating our success along the way.

What we offer

Web Hosting

Whether it’s for personal blogging, start-ups, personal profiles or customized cloud solution or our dedicated servers, we ensure you reliability, speed, and security.

Web Management

We’ll manage your website content, website maintenance and updates.

Web Development

No matter what you demand us to craft, we here stand by to bring it to reality accordingly.


Getting known around your target business can be tedious at times, and we are here to help grow your business to success, with our dedication and best strategies to make you known.

IT Consultaion

We can help you form a plan for your IT infrastructure, provide you with advise, or anything that you may wish to consult about in IT.

Dedicated Servers

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“Websites connect people, bloggers, businesses, and enterprises to the world exploring around you.”

– Ispate CEO.

Let’s have chat!

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New York, NY 12345


+1(646) 496-2173

